This is our biggest baby and I do mean BIG. He must weight around 18 to 20 lbs maybe a little more. It takes two hands to pick him up. Stink was born sometimes around Sept 2005. We found him and his sister under our porch. We knew if we didn't capture them they would end up wild like so many around the neighborhood. We were able to find a home with a sweet 8 year old little girl through our Vets for Pip we kept Squeak (aka the Stinker).
This kitten had a mouth on him like none of our others. We almost called him Ted Turner mouth of the south, but his personality shone there as a real little stinker.... into everything and would not listen and always in trouble.
Like destroying a role of paper towels ,toilet paper you name it. We could not leave anything out as he would get it. He even would drag our clothes around the house. He loves to play with the rope and will bring it to us and drag it around the house. He has mellowed a little as he has gotten older but he still likes to hide in a closet and we always have to check, When we hear this wailing we know he has snuck by us into somewhere he should not be.
Will, you're probably right about the Forman Grill. Never mind Forman, what about a 'WILLS GRILL'?
Enjoyed your latest 'tomato post' which I would have liked to have seen go into this particular mouth of the south.
You never answered my question about the little splits in the tomatos. OWell... Happy cookin. Keri
What a beautiful boy!
Keri if Will had a grill I might have a little more money right now and could afford a steak. LOL
Did answer the question on tomatoes sent a copy to you.
Thanks Heather
He's a beauty. I think most of the kitties are stinkers!
Hi Ramona, he is bad, if you don't watch out he will pop you when you walk by him.
Hi Will and gang....
Mom and I are looking for Fall ...when we find it we'll send it to you. We are having a little less humidity here today we had a huge loud and scary t-storm and lightening last night. 1.8" of rain which we needed.
Madi and Mom
That's a big cat! Our male cat is quite stocky but only a year old, so not so big yet.
We call one of our's "Stinker" too. She's a tabby with a tabby's bossy personality. She is still quite young, about a year, and always playing with everything. She loves to walk along the counter in the bath or kitchen or an end table, knocking every little thing off with her foot as she passes. Great fun! She's the apple of her daddy's eye and can do no wrong as far as he's concerned. She'll snuggle with him for hours.
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