Tomato Gravy yum yum. This is one of the recipes I had a lot growing up and one of my favorite comfort foods. Nothing like a hot buttered biscuit with this gravy or any thing really on a hot buttered biscuit. I used can tomatoes but I just couldn't wait for my home grown to come in. Speaking of home grown here is a picture of them and they are really growing. This is my Friday up date on the plants.
In a large skillet a cast iron if possible.
3 Tablespoons flour
3 Tablespoon of veg oil
(like making a roux)
1 can 14.5 oz can diced tomatoes of your choice undrained (there are all kinds of flavors now)
salt and pepper to taste
about a cup of cold water
heat oil in skillet and add flour stirring till turns a brown color like a copper penny
add can of tomatoes stirring well (hand crush some if you wish)
Stir in half a cup in water and bring to a boil
Add water as needed to the constancy you like. Let cook for 10 to 15 minutes. If to thick you can add more water. Place on the biscuit.
Tomato gravy is a must with biscuits to me.
Looks good.
We like figs also on them they are just not in yet.
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