I can't believe I have never heard of this tasty treat. I did some looking up and it appears it was a popular party dish back in the 80's. Some how I missed this one or one like it. It has peanut butter and jelly in it so I know I would have remembered it. I found this version over on http://picky-palate.com/ on her June 21 2010 blog date and just had to try it. Go to her site for the recipe and some great pictures on the construction of this tasty snack. If you are a peanut butter and jelly fan this is made for you. Licking my finger as I type and I am going to be in trouble getting powered sugar on the keys. LOL.
That looks like a diet buster!
Never heard of this either, but will check out the recipe. I'm signed on as a follower of your blog now, as I like to check out new recipes and give them a try. I have a most yummy casserole recipe for green tomatoes as an alternative to the typical fried green ones. It's become one of my signiture dishes!!
Hi Will I read about your blog over on Japanese Redneck. I look forward to catching up...as I like to eat.
We had our first homegrown tomatoes on Sunday.
Life is good,
Madi and Mom
Hey Tomato King. Whoa.. I think I could put these ingredients on an old boot and enjoy them. Fabulous.
Ramona everything we cook seems like a diet buster.
Cassie looking for the recipe
Hi Madi and Mom thanks for comming by we have some cats that pop up every now and then.
I live for peanut butter and J.
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