We would like to thank Deep South for this little gem. Here is the site for the recipe. http://www.deepsouthdish.com/2011/04/ritz-cracker-baked-pineapple-casserole.html
Go visit her site as she does have some yum dishes over there.
My wife's mother is from Houma La. and she loves to go look at her site. Now her mother cooks some things a little different but its all good.
1 20 oz and
1 8 oz can of crushed pineapple
1/2 cup sugar
2 cups crushed Ritz crackers
1 cup sharp cheddar cheese and
1/2 cup of the cheese to top
1/2 stick butter cut in thin pieces
Preheat oven to 350
We used a 9 .5" pie Pyrex dish lightly greased with butter.
Crush crackers in a plastic bag with a rolling pin and set aside.
take the can of pineapple and drain the juice in a sauce pan add sugar.
Cook over medium high heat stirring till sugar melts and a syrup forms. This took about 20 minutes all I can say is eyeball it.
Now add pineapple and sir till blended.
Pour 1/2 of pineapple mixture in dish top with 1 cup of crushed crackers place 1/2 of butter slices on top and sprinkle 1 cup cheese.
Repeat layers reserve last 1/2 cup of cheese.
Bake uncovered for 25 minutes till bubbly. Remove and place last cheese on top and place in oven till cheese is melted. Melt in your mouth goodness.
The 1st time somebody brought this I thought they were crazy. But, I luv this stuff and have made it several times.
This the first time wife and I had this, will make again.
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