We caught John Folse cooking this recipe and thought we would give it a try. Round steak is used and we don't use this cut of meat very often but it turned out really tasty. This feeds six but we cut the recipe in half for us.
2 medium size round steak
1 cup flour
1/4 cup bacon drippings or shortening
1 cup onion diced
1 cup celery diced
1/2 cup bell pepper finely diced
1 cup tomatoes (we used a can if diced)
1 cup green onions finely diced
3 cups beef stock (we used beef bouillon all we had)
1/4 cup garlic diced
1 cup sliced mushrooms
1/4 cup fresh parsley
salt and pepper to taste
(we added a little red pepper flakes)
Cut steaks into 3 inch square cubes and season to taste with salt and pepper. Dust with flour and set aside.
In (we use a cast iron dutch oven) heavy bottom dutch oven heat oil over med high heat saute round steaks until brown on all sides.
Add onions,celery,bell pepper,tomatoes,green onions and garlic. Saute until vegetables are wilted about 3 to 5 minutes.
Add beef stock and bring to a low boil and reduce heat to a simmer.
Cover and allow to cook slowly for about 45 minutes, stir occasionally to keep seasoning from scorching. Once tender add mushrooms and parsley.
Adjust seasoning if necessary cook about 10 more minutes.
Meanwhile while this is cooking cook grits according to directions.
When ready serve over the grits.
This is supposed to be a breakfast or brunch meal but we ate it at night.